Thursday, February 21, 2008

Our Life This Far

Today was another exciting day at the Dalton's. Full of poopy diapers, spit-up and endless games of "where's mommy---there she is!" ah the joys. By 9am I had changed my shirt twice. We (Addison and Christy) spent another day cooped up inside...again. I was being adventurous and went to Sam's Club and the Post Office between naps. Yippee!
i have recently attempted to give Addi some rice cereal. It ended in tears and a bath... It was a miserable failure. If anyone has any suggestions I am all ears. she just doesn't seem into it. maybe that is my answer.
Another thing I am doing is alot of laundry. How can someone that small make this much dirty laundry. its is against the law of physics somehow, I mean her clothes are tiny, but they add up. wow!
Heath is busy with his new job as Assistant Manager at the Sherwin Williams in Orem. This is an advancement for him and is no longer driving so far to work. Which is good since oil is over $100 a barrel. God Bless OPEC!
I turn 28 on Sunday, how the hell did that happen. I still feel 18. my knees don't, but I still feel like a stupid kid. How can I be responsible enough for another human...and a cat...and a house...and dinner?
Well all is well, all are healthy (knock on wood) and we are just living our lives.


Lisa Haws and family said...

wait about two months and then try the rice again. she might be to little. once you start giving it to her, just keep trying, even if it's only a tablespoon at a time.

Ken and Lori Banta Family said...

HI Christy, sounds like life is wild and crazy at the Dalton home! I always mixed fruit with my babies rice cereal. If you have tasted it, you'll know why she hates it! Good luck! She is adorable!

Rachel said...

When Ethan had his reflux problems, I put a little cereal in his bottle with the warm milk (of course, the nipple has to be a 2 or something) and he took it fine. In fact, I think he was a little more full going to bed. But every baby's different! Hope life's good...hope to see you soon.

Lindsey said...

I think the best advise for the cereal is to wait for a couple more months. It sounds like she just isn't ready for it. If you try and force it both of you will just get frustrated and make meal time into something that's not fun.

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Happy Birthday!!! It will come up on my calendar tomorrow, so I will remember to call you then. (: Thanks for calling today. It was good to chat with you. I've opted to just keep wearing the shirts with spit up so I have less laundry to do. Troy again with Addi later. she may just not be ready yet. Or feed her chocolate syrup. That might work.

Lisa Haws and family said...

happy birthday!!!!!

wadeanderin said...

OK - you need to run (not walk) to babies r us and get one of these - - should be a link in there. It's a sassy baby food nurser. You just put the food in there and they suck it down - no mess, take 1/10th the time and you can take it with you and you can do it on the run. My first 2 used this thing - Addie til she was like 2 1/2 (she would still suck down fruits and veggies - so why not!). Unfortunately, Noah is bucking the system and won't do the bottle thing so well - so these don't work for him either. People are going to tell you that your kid needs to learn to eat off a spoon etc. - but trust me, my kids haven't had a problem and the time and laundry it will save you is amazing! Good luck with that - and with the reflux - been there with all my kids (Noah still barfs puddles at a time - so fun!) and Happy Birthday a little late!