Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Count Your Many Blessings....Name Them One by One

I heard the most awful thing today and was feeling so blue and the song "Count Your Many Blessings" came into my mind and it wouldn't leave... so I thought I would make it at least productive

I am blessed because...

1-I have a loving husband who loves me just the way I am, and still loves me after that fact.
2-I have a healthy,beautiful,fun baby girl who is just perfect
3-I live in America, where I can live, worship, believe just how I want to
4-I was born into the true gospel of Jesus Christ our Savior and have a more profound knowledge of that than many people will ever have.
5-The understanding of Eternal Family
6 I have a roof over my head, food to eat, more clothes than I can wear, gas in the car (which is saying something) and a little left over...which makes me more wealthy that 99% of the world population.
7-I have extended family close by that love me ,and are willing to help at a moments notice. (love you mom!)
8- My health
9-Very good friends who make me laugh so hard my sides hurt.

I have alot more things that I am blessed with but these are at the top. Maybe this can be an idea for other people to post on their blogs. We'll see.


Michelle said...

Well, it sounds like you've had a rough day, but this is a nice post. Very, very blessed we are.

emlizalmo said...

I loved that Christy. I need to do that more often. Think of my blessings and write them down. Thanks for the reminder!

MommyMert said...

Sorry you had a hard day! Wanna go for a walk again?? We are blessed! :)