Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chubby Church

Here I am, chubby. sigh.

Never been chubby before, this is new...sigh.

How the hell did I get here? How the crap does one person pack on 20 lbs in a blink of a eye? I know what kind of person. ME!!!! because i love REALLY good food. Fatty food, cream, pastry, Nutty Bars ( hey don't mock them) creamy sauces. Cookies, cake, etc. But they don't love me. damn.

These are the things that go thru my brain, on a regular basis.
So..... I joined Chubby Church. aka Weight Watchers.

I am committed to losing 25 lbs. I have some really great friends to help me on my way.

I went running today for the first time in oh 3.5 years, It felt awesome! More energy, endorphins.

I can do hard things. I can do what I don't normaly do. Eat what I don't normaly eat.

down 5 lbs. so far so good. i will keep you posted.


Melissa Yergensen said...

5 pounds ... that's AWESOME!!!!
You can go jogging with me ANY TIME! :)

Lisa Haws and family said...

5 lbs in how long? I lost 60 lbs. doing WW..... although I've gained 40 of it back... but I kept it off for 5 years... not bad. I've committed myself again... I'm needing to lose 40-45... can I do it? Wish me luck!!

Michelle said...

Awesome! You rock. I love that you call it Chubby Church. You crack me the heck up. I'll tell you how people put on 20 lbs. I put on 40 since I got married. HA. I've never been more motivated to loose than I am now. Slow process for me, though. Only lost 11 pounds since May... Nursing is a weight loss killer. Good luck. You can do it! I heart weight watchers. Done it 2 times for reals. I still do it at home without the meetings every now and again...

emlizalmo said...

Holy Crap! Was your weigh in down 5pounds when you thought you had lost nothing?! WOOTWOOT! You are a tough, tough girl, Christy. You can and WILL do anything you set your mind to. I'm sure ofit.

The Hall Clan said...

Good for you!!! Keep it up. I hear you on the yummy food thing.

Mindy Thomas said...

I know exactly how you feel! I am excited for you that is great. Maybe I won't bring over your plate of peanut butter, marshmallow ,chocolate bars that I made. They aren't good anyway!