For those of you in my ward, you've probably wondered "why have the Dalton's stopped attending church?" There are lots of reasons really i don't like going to church but we won't get into that now.
For that last month Addison has been fighting something, a cold, strep-throat,a fever etc. And I don't want to pass it along. Some people feel it is OK to bring sick kids to church ,but I am not one of them. Keep them home. Anyway, again this weekend our family was blessed with another form of debilitating disease. The FLU. Only this time it got the mom.
I woke up Sunday morning 2:30 am writhing in pain, vomiting, diarrhea, the works! I thought I was going to die, I welcomed death. if anyone has the reason why flu symptoms only strike in the wee hours of the morning I am all ears. Luckily I had some Phenergan from another flu I had. I couldn't even keep that down.
My saving grace was my mother in law watched Addi the whole day at her house. I slept all day...well between the bathroom trips. I felt like I would never feel well again. My mom came with relief aid in the form of Ensure, and Gatorade. Thanks Susan and Marge
But I do fell better today though I did over do it by going to Maceys ( I do this every time I get sick), and Addi or Heath haven't caught the bug yet. (prayers people...i need prayers!)
So no I am not inactive just prone to viruses at this point, I think it will be a long winter.