Saturday, January 29, 2011

For you Krista

I told my single gal friend that my life is laundry. She doesn't believe me. I told her once that there is law of physics that Newton did not discover but we mom's did. Something to the effect that at any given time there is at least 4 loads of laundry to be one. Even when you think you have done all of the laundry. There is STILL more. It's like the Bermuda Triangle I think. Physically impossible but it still happens anyway.
This picture is just a small glimpse of what you have to look forward to my sweet single friend. And this is just 3 days worth.


The Hall Clan said...

YUP Krista--she's right.

Kyrstin said...

She is totally right! I have done more laundry since Logan has been born than I have in my entire life! And he is only 6 weeks old!

emlizalmo said...

YAY! So proud of you for making the ETSY leap...and just remembering that you called me. Crap. I'll call tomorrow. :) I'm loving the blog every day much.

Amy said...

That is SO TRUE!! I liked laundry before we had kids. Now it's like all I do is laundry! IT'S EVERYWHERE! The magically re-filling laundry basket stays full even after 4 loads. So glad you made that post. I'm glad I'm not alone in this. :)