Monday, January 24, 2011

Why phone cameras were invented.

I never thought I would use a camera phone. I don't need a camera phone. I need a phone-phone. I have a camera. A nice one. But when it was completely impossible to buy a phone-phone without a camera. I was forced.
So when I see things in this fine bee-hive state....A culture unique, described only as Redneck meets Brady Bunch. I whip out my camera phone.
My small collection of all things Utah
Really dude. 1985 was 26 years ago. Not your best look. But you move to Utah and you suddenly feel the urge to grow a mud flap.
You know....words cannot express how I feel about this awesome use of a Cricut. I wonder if he came home one day...asked his mom/girlfriend/sister whoever "can I use your paper cutter thingy--i got a great idea!"
Yes you do sir. Yes you do.
This is Abby. She was freaking out because she thought I was taking her picture. Nope sorry honey. It was only to catch a picture for my collection.
Another proud owner of a mullet. He most likely combed and hair dried it just to come into the dentist. Is this man married? If so does she like the mullet?
Does he have a family? Does anyone care about you sir?

So this is a small sampling of my collection. more to come.
What a fine state I live in. Proud to be a Utahn.
Excuse me while i go clean my shot-gun.


Keveny said...

hahahaha Christy you make me laugh!!

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Troy and I were laughing so hard we couldn't even talk. your comments are better than the picture. You can never complain that you don't have anything to blog about again. You should start an entire blog about this. I bet you could quit your day job.

The Gracie Jones blog said...

Best post ever! I need a cricut! :) And seriously, I should do a post like this about Burley. You'd be very impressed with the mullets we grow up here.

MommyMert said...


emlizalmo said...

Holy CRAP! You are a blogging maniac! I had to read about 20 posts to catch up! LOVE it. :)

Mindy Thomas said...

I needed that! You are so stinking funny. Why don't we ever hang out? I always need a laugh. Those pictures are classic.

Old Pa said...

Keep up the photos, they really made me laugh. The UC is certainly prime real estate for finding those left in a time warp.